Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Jeremiah and Sara: The Arts and Hawaiian Shirts

There happens, at some point during a wedding, where all the preparation you have made as a photographer and all the professionalism you have applied to the event falls away and you find yourself caught up in the couples story. When you see the simplicity of a couples happiness you only hope you remember to snap the picture.

Paper Flower Petals by:

More than just a day with beautiful dresses and vows, this wedding truly embodied the melding of two lives.  Surrounded by her sisters she brought a simple classiness soaked in etiquette, patience and a radiant smile that made everyone feel like family.  He, a quiet leader who glued brothers together from distant towns and military loyalty and steeped them in groaning puns until even passer-byes were laughing. When he joked about wearing a Hawaiian shirt for their wedding she laughed, and then tackled the task of making even that request classy.  These two did not stress about family involvement but instead met each strange tradition with a contagious laugh and folded it into their unique wedding experience, knowing they were simply colorful bricks given to them to help build their lives together.